ALL prospective patients must have their family physician fill out the medical history form prior to booking an appointment. Once we review this medical history form, we will determine if your child can be seen in our clinic. Based on their medical history, some patients might not qualify for an out of hospital general anesthetic and may need to be seen in the hospital.
On the day of the appointment, we will be providing the anesthetic and monitoring your child the entire time while your dentist concentrates on the dental work. Having two people take care of your child allows each of us to completely focus on our task at hand.
Three documents will be emailed / faxed or mailed to you:
- Medical history form (to be filled out by your family doctor)
- Financial agreement (please sign and return to our office)
- Informed consent (please sign and return to our office)
We must receive ALL THREE forms prior to securing the appointment at our office. Please take the time to read through each document and feel free to ask us any questions you may have regarding your anesthetic. We are always happy to answer your questions.
Please note: Our office is completely separate from your dentist’s office and so all questions and concerns related to anesthesia and/or finances should be directed to us. Any questions you have regarding the dental treatment should be referred to your dentist's office. On behalf of my staff and myself, we look forward to being a part of your child’s oral health care needs.
Nothing to eat after midnight, the night before your child’s appointment. Food in the stomach may cause vomiting during anesthesia and may lead to a medical emergency.
After midnight, your child can ONLY have clear fluids up till 1 hour before your appointment time.
For that ONE hour before your child’s appointment, they are not allowed anything, NOT even a sip of water. This is important for the safety of your child during their anesthetic.
For example: If your child's appointment is at 8 am, then the only thing he/she may have are clear fluids between midnight and 7 am. After that your child is NOT allowed to drink anything. Not even a sip of water. This includes gum and mints.
If your child takes any medications, please contact us so we can let you know if you should withhold or continue their medications the day of surgery. Please advise our office of ANY recent changes in their health such as fever, flu, cold, vomiting or diarrhea before their appointment.
clear apple juice, ginger ale, 7up, gatorade and water.
(drinks you can clearly see through)
No milk, homemade juice/smoothies, coffee, soup broth, or fluids you cannot see through.
We allow one adult to accompany your child into the operatory. In most cases, we will use a mask to get your child off to sleep first prior to starting the IV however you will have a chance to talk to the anesthesiologist before starting to discuss the best option for your child. Once asleep we will ask you to wait outside while we concentrate on your child’s care.
Your child will be closely monitored the entire time while your dentist concentrates on the dentistry. After the dentistry is completed, we will take your child to our recovery room where we will let them wake up slowly. We will continue to monitor your child throughout this time. Once your child is awake, we will bring you into our recovery room so you can be with your child. It is not uncommon for children to be upset upon awakening from anesthesia as they are still disoriented and dizzy.
A responsible adult must accompany your child home to rest. Plan to drive or take a taxi home. We do NOT allow you to take public transit after an anesthetic.
After the anesthetic you should go directly home. Even though they may feel fine and may want to go out and play, it is important that your child rest at home for the remainder of the day.
Your child can eat and drink when they feel ready after arriving home. Check with your dentist if there is any food restrictions due to the dental work.
Please feel free to call us at any time if you have any questions or concerns after your child’s anesthetic.
ALL prospective patients must have their family physician fill out the medical history form prior to booking an appointment. Once we review this medical history form, we will determine if you can be seen in our clinic. Based on your medical history, some patients might not qualify for an out of hospital general anesthetic and may need to be seen in the hospital.
On the day of the appointment, we will provide the anesthetic and monitor you the entire time while your dentist concentrates on the dental work. Having two people take care of you allows each of us to completely focus on our task at hand.
Three documents will be emailed / faxed or mailed to you:
- Medical history form (to be filled out by your family doctor)
- Financial agreement (please sign and return to our office)
- Informed consent (please sign and return to our office)
We must receive ALL THREE forms prior to securing the appointment at our office. Please take the time to read through each document and feel free to ask us any questions you may have regarding your anesthetic. We are always happy to answer your questions.
Please note: Our office is completely separate from your dentist’s office and so all questions and concerns related to anesthesia and/or finances should be directed to us.
On behalf of my staff and myself, we look forward to being a part of your oral health care needs.
Nothing to eat or drink after midnight, the night before your appointment (no mints or gum either). Food in the stomach may cause vomiting during anesthesia and may lead to a medical emergency.
After midnight, you can ONLY have clear fluids* up till 1 hour before your appointment time.
For that ONE hour before your appointment, you are not allowed anything, NOT even a sip of water. This is important for your safety during your anesthetic.
For example: If your appointment is at 8 am, then the only thing you may have is water or clear apple juice between midnight and 7 am. After that you are NOT allowed to drink anything. Not even a sip of water. This includes gum and mints.
If you take any medications, please contact us so we can let you know if you should withhold or continue your medications the day of surgery. Please advise our office of ANY recent changes in their health such as fever, flu, cold, vomiting or diarrhea before your appointment.
clear apple juice, ginger ale, 7up, gatorade and water.
(drinks you can clearly see through)
No milk, homemade juice/smoothies, coffee, soup broth, or fluids you cannot see through.
Going to Sleep
Many of our patients are needle phobic and we are empathetic to your situation. We will have the opportunity to discuss all options with you on the day of your appointment.
You will be closely monitored the entire time by us while your dentist concentrates on the dentistry. After the dentistry is completed, you will rest in our recovery room until you are ready to be discharged. One of our staff members will escort you to the car in a wheelchair to ensure your safety.
A responsible adult must accompany you home to rest. You must go home in a car or taxi. (A taxi driver does NOT count as your escort). You are NOT allowed to take public transit after an anesthetic.
After the anesthetic you should go directly home. Even though you may feel fine it is important that you rest at home for the remainder of the day.
You can eat and drink when you feel ready after arriving home. Check with your dentist if there is any food restrictions due to the dental work.
Do NOT drive for 24 hours after your anesthetic. Do NOT drink alcohol for 24 hours after your anesthetic. Please feel free to call us at any time if you have any questions or concerns after your anesthetic.
Copyright © 2020 ANESTHESIA FOR DENTISTRY - All Rights Reserved.